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Passion is so simple yet so complex. 


     Passion means different things to different individuals in the world. However, many tend to associate it with “a powerful emotion, such as love, joy, ardent love, strong sexual desire, or lust” as the Merriam-Webster defines it. Although passion includes an aspect of love, I believe that passion is the extreme and uncontrollable hate for something or someone that motivates people to achieve great accomplishments that they aren’t capable of attaining without it.

​     "Hate is often considered to be an evil passion that should, in a better world, be tamed, controlled and eradicated. Yet to the biologist, hate is a passion that is of equal interest to love," said Professor Zeki, who studied the correlation between brain and sentiment of hate.

     In fact, the word, passion, originates from the late twelfth century, referring to the sufferings of Christ following the Last Supper, including the crucifixion. “Passionem” in Latin means “suffering, enduring” and the Greek “pema” indicates “suffering, misery, woe”. Only since the 1630s, the word passion  began to refer to a “strong liking, enthusiasm, and predilection”. 

     This hidden aspect of passion  should not be ignored, but instead, emphasized. Hatred, an abomination for something, can be the essential core to an individual's passion and the success following it. 


What is Passion?

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